Computer service anywhere in Bangalore

Door step service for your desktop or laptop issues.

Virus issues, Slow systems, No displays, Malware issues all resolved at your door step by experienced professionals.

Apple (macpro, air, imac) OS installations, upgrades

Expertise resulting from experience, integrity & accountability are our hallmarks.

Our network of associates across Bangalore empower us to attend to any computer problem (laptops & desktops) anywhere in Bangalore.

You can also drop your system at our center in Koramangala.

The door-step computer service is available for laptops, desktops, monitors, software installations, software repairs, data backup, lan installations, wifi setup etc


Useful Links

Computer Peripherals

Computer Peripherals are devices that are used along with the computers. Printers, scanners, UPS, modems etc are all called peripherals. They are also called computer accessories. They are generally attached to the computer. They may be wired or wireless.
Laser priners, Inkjet printers, DotMatrix printers, Line matrix printers
MFDs (Multi-Function devices)
Printer-scanner-copier, Printer-scanner-copier-fax
CD Drives, CD writers, DVD writers,
Online UPS
Offline UPS
LCD Projectors

Computer Software

A Computer is controlled by instructions stored inside its memory. These instructions are called software. The computer hardware by itself cannot do anything. By loading a software designed to do a particular task, the computer does that specific task. Thus, to type a letter, we use the word processing software like MS Word, that has been designed for word processing. By loading a game software, we can play a game on the computer. Thus different software packages perform different tasks for us. Software is also called programs. There are millions of computer programs created for different purposes. There are many programs competing to do the same task too, each one doing the job in different ways just as you get your pizza in different flavors.

Programs do a specific task for which it is created. A program created to trouble you or even to destroy data on your PC is also a program-a virus program.

BangaloreComputers has created programs for various tasks! They include TypingPundit, a self paced program to enhance your typing skills and make you a touch typist. Other programs from us are The MD's wisecat-a complete solution for traders-wholesalers and retailers, SchoolEmanager-a school management software, WiseCare-a comprehensive hospital care solution, AssetCinC-a cloud based fixed asset management software. Click here to learn more about The MD's Wisecat software.

Our school management software is a total solution for schools to manage the student related data processing. Visit SchoolEmanager.com for details.

Acclaimed as the most child-friendly family software, TypingPundit comes with free brain games that all family members can play everyday to create better bondings within the family and to enhance mental fitness. Click here to learn more about TypingPundit

About computers

Man has been defined by someone as a tool making animal. At first, he made tools to help him in his physical work. Simple levers that help a farmer to produce better crops, bicycles that help him reduce distances, and killing-machines like rifles and missiles that makes killing his fellow man easier are all tools he made to help in his physical work. Most of man's work is mental and he made machines to ease his mental work and we call them computers.

We are all familiar with what a computer is in a specific, contemporary sense. Personal computers are found in most aspects of daily life, and for some it is hard to even imagine a world without them. But the term computer means more than simply the Macs and PCs we are familiar with. A computer is, at its most basic, a machine which can take instructions stored inside them, and perform computations based on those instructions.

It is the ability to be controlled by instructions stored inside them, known as programs in the parlance of computers, that distinguishes a computer from a mechanical calculator. While both are able to make computations, a calculator responds simply to immediate input. In fact, most modern calculators are actually computers, with a number of pre-installed programs to help aid in complex tasks.

Computers range from the very small to the very large. Some are capable of doing billions of calculations in a single second, while others may take longer periods of time to do even the most simple calculations. But theoretically, anything one computer is capable of doing, another computer will also be able to do. Given the right instructions, and sufficient memory, a computer found in a wristwatch should be able to accomplish anything a supercomputer can

PC internals - Motherboard, Processor, RAM, HDD.

Any Computer of today, desktop or laptop will have a motherboard on which the

Computer Hardware

All the physical components of your computer are called hardware. The processor, motherboard, RAM, Harddisk, SMPS, cabinet, keyboard, Mouse are all parts of hardware. The other component of a computer is called software. The instructions that are directing the computer to behave in a particular way is software. When you play a game, the game software is being executed by your hardware. When you type a letter, the computer is directed by a word processing software like MS Word.

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AtoZ Computers

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IMPS MMID: 9089123, Mobile No: 9448063761
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